Hello, and welcome to my lavish laboratory, where I concoct caricatures, conjure canvases, and collate colors to manipulate the past, present, and future into new stories and aesthetics.

Growing up, I was always the “oddball” among my peers, the unrealistic kid with crazy thoughts. So I turned to the world of art. It became my way of communicating, transforming me from a shy and quiet person to a fearless designer. I am a hopeless romantic and a fan of art history, folktales, and fashion. Like a sponge, I soak up things from different creative fields and look into them with a magnifying glass. My aesthetic as a designer and an artist comes from being a collector and storyteller; I collect elements and mix them to create new stories. There is no stone I will leave unturned and no folktale too insignificant that I will not explore its facets to search for something that has not yet been uncovered. Where some see a work of art as a product, I see a relationship, a movement and display of meaning through beauty and the revelation of new perspectives. Ingenuity and innovation are the pillars of all my works. If you seek apologies for strong feelings that are evoked from art, you must look elsewhere, for my calling is to challenge and to provoke in ways that others might not dare. I am a designer that creates work to inspire and evoke.



︎Tell: +1 (626) 558-8119

︎Email: andylul459@gmail.com

©2022 Andy Lu

+1 (626) 558-8119